Patient reports that they were much more talkative last week and his friends complained that he wasn't giving them any time to answer his questions or participate in the conversation. During this consecutive five day period, patient also states that he went sky diving, which was odd for him because he's normally terrified of heights. He also stayed up all night working on miscellaneous projects, and was considerably more productive at work. Patient reports feeling overly confident during this period. How would you define this episode?

Patient reports that they were much more talkative last week and his friends complained that he wasn't giving them any time to answer his questions or participate in the conversation. During this consecutive five day period, patient also states that he went sky diving, which was odd for him because he's normally terrified of heights. He also stayed up all night working on miscellaneous projects, and was considerably more productive at work. Patient reports feeling overly confident during this period. How would you define this episode?

a) Mania
b) Hypomania
c) Psychotic break

Answer: A

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