15 year old female presents to your office with the complaint of stage fright. She is an incredible ballerina when practicing one-on-one with her dance instructor, but experiences a panic attack every time she attempts to go on stage to perform in front of a large crowd of unfamiliar people. As a result she usually doesn't make it on stage and has recently begun to avoid dancing altogether. She knows her fear is excessive since it's now interfered with her doing what she loves. These symptoms have been going on for the past 8 months. What's your DDx?

15 year old female presents to your office with the complaint of stage fright. She is an incredible ballerina when practicing one-on-one with her dance instructor, but experiences a panic attack every time she attempts to go on stage to perform in front of a large crowd of unfamiliar people. As a result she usually doesn't make it on stage and has recently begun to avoid dancing altogether. She knows her fear is excessive since it's now interfered with her doing what she loves. These symptoms have been going on for the past 8 months. What's your DDx?

b) Panic disorder
c) Social phobia
d) Specific phobia

Answer: C

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