Which of the following terms describes psychiatric disorders which result from disease processes, such as infections and tumors, or from structural changes in the brain, such as those brought on by the abuse of alcohol or drugs

Which of the following terms describes psychiatric disorders which result from disease processes, such as infections and tumors, or from structural changes in the brain, such as those brought on by the abuse of alcohol or drugs

Drug abuse

Answer: D

You arrive on scene after police arrive for a patient who is "crazy". The patient has locked themselves in their bedroom and states they have a knife that they will use on themselves if anyone comes in. What should the EMT do

You arrive on scene after police arrive for a patient who is "crazy". The patient has locked themselves in their bedroom and states they have a knife that they will use on themselves if anyone comes in. What should the EMT do

Enter the room without the police if the patient promises to be nice.
Rush into the room and subdue the patient before they can react.
Enter the room with a family member of the patient's.
Do not enter the room until the knife is secure.

Answer: D

Which of the following is defined as a situation in which a patient's behavior becomes so bizarre, threatening, or dangerous that it alarms the patient or others and requires intervention

Which of the following is defined as a situation in which a patient's behavior becomes so bizarre, threatening, or dangerous that it alarms the patient or others and requires intervention

A behavioral emergency
Abnormal behavior

Answer: D

You are called to an auto parts store for an "agitated person who appears to be confused." When you arrive, the patient is standing in front of the store yelling at two teenagers who appear to be antagonizing him. What should your FIRST goal be

You are called to an auto parts store for an "agitated person who appears to be confused." When you arrive, the patient is standing in front of the store yelling at two teenagers who appear to be antagonizing him. What should your FIRST goal be

Ask the antagonizers to assist you in restraining the patient.
Remove the antagonizer.
Restrain the patient.
Retreat to the ambulance.

Answer: B

Emotionally disturbed patients commonly refuse treatment. If your patient refuses care, remember:

Emotionally disturbed patients commonly refuse treatment. If your patient refuses care, remember:

any adult over 18 years of age may refuse treatment.
once you decide to transport a patient against his will, there is no need for law enforcement to participate.
if a patient refuses care, complete a refusal of care form, then have the patient sign it and law enforcement witness it.
as an EMT, you have the authority to transport any patient against his will.

Answer: C

You are transporting a patient who, after a history and primary exam, you believe to be suffering from hypochondriasis. What should your NEXT action be

You are transporting a patient who, after a history and primary exam, you believe to be suffering from hypochondriasis. What should your NEXT action be

Withhold treatment.
Discuss the possibility with your patient.
Continue to treat the symptoms until medical conditions have been ruled out.
Explain the disease to your patient.

Answer: C

Studies of suicides and suicide attempts have produced statistical data about those MOST likely to take their own lives. This information includes:

Studies of suicides and suicide attempts have produced statistical data about those MOST likely to take their own lives. This information includes:

approximately 80 percent of people who succeed in committing suicide were attempting it for the first time.
depression seems to have little influence on suicide attempts.
men are four times more likely to die from suicide than are women.
most people who formulate a detailed plan for suicide do not carry it through.

Answer: C

You have been called to the local jail for a patient who has made several superficial lacerations on the wrists. The patient has been disarmed but is still threatening to commit suicide. What should you do

You have been called to the local jail for a patient who has made several superficial lacerations on the wrists. The patient has been disarmed but is still threatening to commit suicide. What should you do

Make the injuries or medical conditions related to the attempted suicide your primary concern.
Deny the patient's complaints and feelings.
Tell the patient that the self-inflicted wounds are not consistent with those of a person "actually trying to commit suicide."
Arrange for a member of the clergy to meet the patient at the hospital.

Answer: A

Basic principles to keep in mind when you encounter a patient with a behavioral emergency include:

Basic principles to keep in mind when you encounter a patient with a behavioral emergency include:

people have more ability to cope with crisis than they might think.
some people who have been through a crisis suddenly get better.
emotional injury is not truly "real" as is a physical injury.
only psychologically unstable people feel emotional disturbance when injured.

Answer: A

Why might a situation where a patient has committed suicide be a potentially unsafe scene for EMS providers

Why might a situation where a patient has committed suicide be a potentially unsafe scene for EMS providers

the patient may not be dead, and when EMS arrives, the patient may try lashing out at them
family members may grieve too loudly when they find out
the EMS provider may feel sorry for the patient and attempt the same
the suicide attempt itself may create an unsafe scene

Answer: D

Techniques that you can follow to make dealing with behaviorally disturbed patients easier for you and more helpful for the patient include:

Techniques that you can follow to make dealing with behaviorally disturbed patients easier for you and more helpful for the patient include:

speaking in an authoritative, stern voice to show you are in charge.
always telling the truth; never lying to the patient.
playing along with visual or auditory disturbances.
using phrases such as, "Everything will be fine," or "You do not have anything to worry about," to help gain the patient's confidence.

Answer: B

Which of the following statements is TRUE regarding the causes of behavioral emergencies

Which of the following statements is TRUE regarding the causes of behavioral emergencies

Purely psychological conditions are precipitated by biological conditions.
Purely psychological conditions are precipitated by substance abuse.
They most frequently involve biological conditions or substance abuse.
They most frequently involve a purely psychological condition.

Answer: C

You are assessing a patient with a behavioral disorder who appears to be slightly agitated. Which of the following can you do to help calm the patient's anxiety and avoid escalation

You are assessing a patient with a behavioral disorder who appears to be slightly agitated. Which of the following can you do to help calm the patient's anxiety and avoid escalation

Retreat to the ambulance and depart the scene.
Rush the patient and restrain him.
Have police handcuff the patient.
Keep a proper distance.

Answer: D

During your scene size-up and initial assessment of a patient with a behavioral emergency, remember:

During your scene size-up and initial assessment of a patient with a behavioral emergency, remember:

suicide scenes are generally safe to enter if law enforcement is not there yet.
if a patient has attempted suicide, your priority is to care for the patient's behavioral problem before treating the trauma or medical problem.
if a patient has a weapon, back out of the scene and wait for law enforcement.
never stand between a patient and an open door so that you block an escape if the patient wants it.

Answer: C

To help determine if your patient's behavioral change is due to a physical rather than a psychological problem, you should consider which of the following clues that point to a physical problem

To help determine if your patient's behavioral change is due to a physical rather than a psychological problem, you should consider which of the following clues that point to a physical problem

The patient has auditory hallucinations.
The patient has a gradual, rather than a sudden, onset.
The patient is alert, being oriented to person, place, and time.
The patient's pupils are constricted, dilated, or unequal.

Answer: D